HTB Academy's goal is to provide a highly interactive and streamlined learning process to allow users to have fun while learning. Content within Academy is based around the concept of "guided learning". Students are presented with material in digestible chunks with examples of commands and their output throughout, not just theory. Students are provided target hosts where they can reproduce the materials presented in each section for themselves, hands-on exercises that serve as "checkpoints", and skills assessments to test their understanding of the material.
The key component of the learning process in the Academy is the Module
You are actually following one right now. Academy modules are designed
to serve as mini standalone courses with all of the knowledge needed to
complete the hands-on exercises and skills assessments taught within the
module. While modules are standalone, many are related or build on each
The structure of the Academy is as follows:
Academy Structure
Paths are collections of modules (i,e, a path named Basic Toolset may include modules on nmap, Sqlmap, Hashcat, and other tools.
Modules are broken down into sections. These sections are the "meat" of the modules and contain the subject matter being taught, relevant command output, and hands-on exercises.
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